Ontario Z Endorsement Knowledge Exam (Air Brake) -01

1 / 20

What is a caging bolt used for?

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When air pressure reaches _____ PSI to ____ PSI lower than the cut out pressure, governor must cut in.

3 / 20

Who can repair the Automatic Slack Adjusters?

4 / 20

What things you check while testing Air Brake chambers?

5 / 20

On which part of the brake system 'Brake linings' are attached?

6 / 20

What do you check while inspecting brake drums?

7 / 20

When air pressure drop to ____ PSI, spring brakes will start to apply.

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The most common brake chamber size is ______.

9 / 20

_________ brake system doesn't have pushrod.

10 / 20

What is the use of the Spring Brakes?

11 / 20

The brake pedal should be ______, while measuring the pushrod stroke.

12 / 20

Which type of brake system has "S" Cam?

13 / 20

When uncoupling, trailer supply valve must be ______

14 / 20

If your truck is equipped with manual slack adjusters, readjustment can be done by

15 / 20

______ in the brake system causes brake linings contamination.

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What is the function of the governor in air brake system?

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Where you can find the safety valve?

18 / 20

Which vehicles have mostly DD3 Safety Actuators?

19 / 20

Maximum governor cut out is ____ PSI.

20 / 20

What can different size chambers on same axle cause?

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